首页> 中文期刊> 《科技进步与对策》 >信息化背景下中国城市化动力系统分析




This paper researches power system elements of China's urbanization and the interaction among these elements by using the theory of dissipative structure .The results show that :Informationization is the important factors of negative en-tropy power system of China's urbanization ,it can reduce the system total entropy ,and form a new orderly dissipative structure of urbanization dynamical system ;As an external negative entropy ,informationization combine technology ,in-dustry ,technology progress .Technology change releases a large number of the rural surplus labor to the city ,the evolu-tion of industrial structure to make the third industry become the leading industry of the absorption into the city farmers , and institutional change sharing public services and promoting urbanization .Therefore ,the government should use infor-mation technology to promote traditional function in order to develop wisdom city ;develop information industry for upgra-ding traditional industries ;combine information resources to transform the mode of traditional information transmission and improve the efficiency of information .%运用耗散结构理论,研究了中国城市化动力系统要素及要素间相互作用。结果表明:信息化因素是中国城市化动力系统重要的负熵要素,可使该系统总熵值减小为负值,形成新的有序的城市化动力系统耗散结构;信息化因素作为外部负熵,与作为内部熵要素的技术、产业和制度相结合,技术进步释放大量待进城的农村剩余劳动力,产业结构演进使第三产业成为吸纳进城农民的主导产业,制度变迁形成公共服务共享进而促进城市化。因此,政府应利用信息技术提升城市传统职能来发展智慧城市;以信息产业促进传统产业升级;用信息资源转变信息传统传播方式,提高信息的时效性。



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