首页> 中文期刊>科技进步与对策 >产学研协同创新增效作用评估——以科技型上市公司为例




Due to the lack of a clear definition for the effect of university-industry collaborative innovation,related studies are difficult to carry out,which hinders the development of innovation-driven economy in China.Inspired by the definition of synergistic effects,we define the effect of university-industry collaborative innovation as a relative concept comparing with the result of traditional university-industry cooperation.Based on three assumptions,this article establishes two control experiments to carry out quantitative evaluation on Chinese high-tech listed companies' collaborative innovation accomplishments using propensity score matching method.The empirical results show that collaborative innovation has positive impact on R&D investments,patent outputs and revenues.However,synergistic effects are only significant in the former two aspects,while limited in revenues.%由于缺乏对产学研协同创新效果的明确界定,导致相关研究难以开展,不利于创新驱动型经济的发展.由此,从协同效应定义切入,将产学研协同创新效果理解为一个以传统产学研合作结果为对比的相对概念,在研究假设的基础上通过构建两个实验对照组,运用倾向得分匹配方法,以中国科技型上市公司为例,对产学研协同创新的增效作用进行量化评价.实证结果表明:产学研协同创新对科技型上市公司的研发投入、专利产出和营业收入均具有正向影响,但对营业收入的增效作用十分有限.



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