首页> 中文期刊> 《科技进步与对策》 >产业集群创新网络中创新能力传递障碍与集群升级研究




The key to the upgrading of industrial cluster lies in the improvement of the whole innovation ability of the clus-ter,the transfer of innovation ability in the industrial cluster innovation network can improve the innovation ability of the whole cluster.Understanding and overcoming the obstacles of innovation ability transfer can accelerate the transfer process of innovation ability,and it is very important for cluster upgrading to study the obstacles of innovation ability transfer in the innovation network of industrial clusters.This paper puts forword the concept of the obstacles of innovation ability transfer in the innovation network of industrial clusters,construct the conceptual model,and through empirical research, verifies that obstacles of innovation ability transfer in the innovation network of industrial clusters and cluster upgrading are negatively correlated.Then by the correlation analysis of weights,the paper gets five dimensions of obstacles hindering the degree of cluster upgrading,puts forward improvement countermeasures for the main obstacles.%集群创新网络中的创新能力传递可以有效提升集群整体创新能力,认识并克服创新能力传递障碍可以加速传递进程,对于产业集群升级至关重要.由此,提出产业集群创新网络中创新能力传递障碍的概念并构建概念模型.实证结果表明,产业集群创新网络中创新能力传递障碍与集群升级负相关,通过相关性权重分析,得到5个障碍维度对集群升级阻碍的强弱程度,并针对主要障碍提出改善建议.



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