首页> 中文期刊>科学技术与工程 >一种智能节水系统的设计与试验




In view of the current situation of water resources scarcity and comparatively low recycling utilization of living waste water, an intelligent water-saving system is designed for selectively recycling high-quality waste water. Through analyzing the work condition, this research introduced the operation theory of the system, designed the key parts (water-collecting valve, filtering and noise-reducing barrel) , the hardware and software of control system , briefly expounded principles and methods of turbidity testing, and used real model to have a comparative analysis of the system. The result shows that this water-saving system runs stably and makes the reduction rate increased by about 31% , therefore it has a good application and dissemination.%针对目前水资源匮乏、生活废水回收利用率较低的现状,设计了一种生活智能节水系统,对优质生活废水进行选择性回收利用.在分析工作条件的基础上,介绍了系统的工作原理,设计了关键零部件(集水阀、过滤降噪桶等)、控制系统的硬件和软件,简单阐述了中水检测的原理和方法,运用实际制作的模型对节水系统进行试验比较分析.结果表明,所设计的节水系统运行稳定,使用该系统后节水率高达31%左右,有较好的应用推广价值.



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