首页> 中文期刊> 《科技与经济》 >我国电动汽车产业链延伸发展的关键要素分析与对策




电动汽车产业的发展是解决资源短缺、环境污染以及汽车行业结构升级的重要途径,经济危机后,发达国家纷纷对发展电动汽车提出战略性规划以重振汽车产业来带动经济发展,面对世界汽车产业再次崛起,电动汽车发展与未来中国汽车产业命运息息相关。从产业链的上中下游三个阶段分别分析了我国电动汽车产业链的现状及主要问题,电动汽车原材料品质不高,电池、电机、电控研发能力有限以及产业配套设施不足等问题严重制约我国电动汽车产业链延伸发展,从顶层规划、技术创新、产品品牌、基础设施四个关键要素角度提出了解决电动汽车产业链延伸的战略思考,并针对实现该战略提出了相应的对策。%The development of electric vehicles industry is an important way to address the resources shortage, environmental pol-lution and the automotive industry structure upgrading. After the economic crisis, developed countries proposed the strategic develop-ment plan to revive the vehicle industry as well as promoting economic development. Facing the rise of world vehicle industry, the fu-ture fate of the Chinese vehicle industry is tied closely with Chinese electric vehicle industry. This paper analyzed the current situation and main problems of industrial chain of Chinese electric vehicles industry from the lower, middle and higher three phase. The low quality of raw materials, the inadequate R&D capabilities in batteries, motors and electronically controlled system and the shortage of industrial facilities and other issues hampered the development of the electric vehicle industry chain seriously. Respectively, the strate-gic thinking to solving the plight of the electric vehicles industry is put forward from four aspects of key elements of the top floor plan-ning, technology innovation, product brand, infrastructure, as well as the corresponding countermeasures for realization of the strategy.



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