首页> 中文期刊> 《科教文汇》 >试论《金瓶梅》对传统女性形象的颠覆与重构




"Jing Ping Mei",in the context of the late Ming and the culture of a particular generation,has a strong color of era. The text in the shape of the image of women before the women broke through the illusion of idealized description of the characteristics attached to a clear secular trend;indulgent,show the women in the society publicity sprout disorder of gender awareness and the final fate of the unfortunate;at the same time a certain extent,reflects the relationship between women in samesex sexual relations and publicity and on the liberation of women's power is certainly more reasonable to restore the true meaning of women,including the plight of women think. "Jing Ping Mei" image of women in the subversion of the traditional concept of women in the aesthetic habits,to achieve a breakthrough of the reconstruction.%《金瓶梅》是在明末特定的文化背景下产生的,因而具有浓厚的时代色彩。其文本中塑造的女性形象突破了之前女性描写的理想化虚幻化的特点,附着了明显的世俗化倾向;个性张扬,展现了女子在错乱萌动的社会中张扬的性别意识与最终不幸的命运;同时在一定程度上体现了女性在两性关系及同性关系上的张扬与解放,肯定了女性的力量,较合理地还原了女性本真的意义,包含了对女性困境的思考。《金瓶梅》中的女性形象颠覆了传统观念中对女性的审美习惯,实现了具有突破意义的重构。



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