首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >城市就业的农村籍大学生社会网络现状研究——以长春市的个案分析为例




近年来,许多学者运用社会网络理论对大学生就业状况进行了分析,然而对已经就业的大学生的社会关系网络状况的研究则相对较少,对此,本文运用格兰诺维特划分强关系和弱关系的四个方面的尺度对已经就业的农村籍大学生社会关系网络的状况进行了实证的分析,希望能够较全面地了解已在城市中就业的农村籍大学生社会关系网络的现状,了解他们的社会关系网络存在的不足,并提出完善社会关系网络的建议。%  In recent years,many scholars use the theory of social network on the employment situation of university stud -ents are analyzed,but to have the employment of university st-udents social relations network status of research is relatively small.This paper uses Granovetter partitioning strong ties and weak ties between the four sides of the scale on the work of rural college students society network status of the empirical analysis, hoping to more comprehensive understanding in the city in the employment of college students from rural areas so-cial relationship network current situation,understand their social relationship network the inadequacy of existence,put forward to perfect the proposal of social relation network.



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