首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >高中学生全国公共英语二级听力能力培养策略




2011年新课改后,云南省开始采用了公共英语等级考试第二级模式,听力语速较之前的全国卷听力快、试题灵活性高,在这几年的高考中,学生听力得分有所下降,据此笔者结合自己的日常教学经验,从三个方面分析了学生听力存在的具体问题,并从规范学生语音、听力方法指导等五个方面提出相关的听力训练策略,以期能在高中学生二级听力应试能力和听力能力培养方面有一些帮助。%Since the new curriculum reform in 2011, Yunnan Province began to adopt the Public English Test System (Band Two), the speech speed is faster than the speed of the listening in the National College Entrance Examination, and the flexibility is higher. In the past few years' college entrance examination, stu-dents' listening scores declined. In view of this, combined with the author's own teaching experience, this paper analyzes the specific problems of students' listening from three aspects, and puts forward five listening strategies, such as to regulate students' pronunciation, to give some listening strategies and so on, hoping it can help all teachers and students get some inspiration and students can improve their listening ability.



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