首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >简论范存忠先生英语教学观




范存忠先生不仅是英美文学方面的大学者,在英语教学上也颇有心得。在当前快餐文化的背景下,他对于英语教学中自然学习的语言哲学观给学生和教师都带来了思考和探索的新方向。他对于语言学习和文学不分家的观点为提高语言学习质量提供了新视角。他对于英语学习者初期学习质量的控制有助于提高语言学习的质量。本文将以范先生关于英语学习的演讲为主简要地介绍及分析他的英语教学观念以期为英语教学和语言学习观念的培养提供参考。%Mr. Fan Cunzhong was not only a great scholar in Eng-lish literature study, but also very skillful in English teaching. His natural philosophy of teaching English gives more thinking and useful directions to both students and teachers who got confused when facing so many present speed-up educational programs. His idea that learning language can not be separated from litera-ture learning offers great inspiration to language quality enhance-ment. His high requirement from the early stage of learning lan-guage also has great value for us to refer to in improving students' language competence. Based on Mr. Fan's book lectures on learning English, this paper tries to introduce his teaching phi-losophy briefly, hoping to give some useful references or cause some thinking concerning English learning.



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