首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >高校英语的高效教学方式解析




从目前来看,我国高校的英语教育、教学工作呈现出了一种快速发展的趋势,教育教学改革对于高校英语教学有着积极的推动作用,其在很大程度上促进了高校英语教学的改革,使我国高校英语教学工作呈现出新的状态。本文主要从高校英语的导入教学方式,现代化的高校英语教学方式解析,开展高校英语的控制方式教学进行分析,针对当今环境下高校英语高效教学的方式进行了深入的探讨,希望对我国高校英语的高效教学有所借鉴。%For now, English education and teaching in China's u-niversities shows a trend of rapid development, and education and teaching reform has given a positive push to English teaching in universities in that it has promoted the reform of English teaching in universities to a great extent, making English teaching in China's universities show a new situation. Starting from the in-troduction methods of English teaching and modernized teaching methods, this paper carries out an analysis on the control-typed English teaching in universities, and makes a deep exploration on the efficient English teaching methods in universities, hoping to be of referential significance to the efficient English teaching in China's universities.



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