首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >数字艺术设计中的科学美--以分形艺术为例




As a product of science and technology development in the information era, digital art has been more and more widely applied to the field of artistic design, and the boundary between art and science has become more and more fuzzy. Not only cannot we deny the scientificalness of digital ar but also its unique aes-thetic features. In digital artistic design, fractal art especially breaks down the procedure and method of traditional artistic cre-ation, so it is of great significance to research its aesthetic signifi-cance. At the same time of summarizing the development of frac-tal art, this paper attempts to tap the aesthetic enjoyment fractal art brings to people from multi-disciplinary angle, and explores its practical value. Besides, this paper introduces common fractal software and styles of common works. Finally, it analyzes the aes-thetic properties of fractal works from the aesthetic angle and at-tempts to make a summarization.%数字艺术作为信息时代科技发展的产物,已经越来越广泛地运用于艺术设计领域内,艺术与科学之间的界限也越来越模糊。我们在不否认数字艺术科学性的同时更不能否认其独具的美学特征。而在数字艺术设计中,分形艺术更是打破了传统艺术创作的流程与方法,研究其美学意义十分有价值。本文在梳理分形艺术发展的同时,尝试用多学科的角度去挖掘分形作品带给人的美学享受,并探讨其实际价值。其次,对于分型的常用软件以及常见作品的形式做了说明。最后,从美学角度分析了分形作品的美学属性,并尝试做出总结。



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