首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >以科学发展观引领图书馆人才培养与队伍建设




The scientific outlook on development is a methodology which can impel the reform and development of different causes. Its main contents are the people-oriented outlook on develop-ment, the comprehensive outlook on development, the coordinat-ed outlook on development, and the sustainable outlook on de-velopment. The final goal of our learning the scientific outlook on development is to flexibly apply it to practical work in order to guide the solving of different problems on work and life. As far as the cultivation and construction of library talent teams be con-cerned, it is particularly feasible and important to play the guid-ing role of the scientific outlook on development.%科学发展观是一种方法论,是可以推进各项事业的改革和发展的一种方法论。其主要内容是以人为本的发展观、全面的发展观、协调的发展观、可持续的发展观。学以致用,把科学发展观灵活运用于工作实际当中,以其为指导,解决各种工作生活问题,是我们学习科学发展观的最终目的。就图书馆人才队伍的培养与建设而言,发挥科学发展观的指导作用就显得尤为切实和重要。



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