首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >浅论青年新闻工作者的思想作风建设




In order to implement the activity of "going to the grassroots,transforming styles and changing styles of writing"at the journalism front around the country advocated by five major departments including the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC,combined with the characteris-tics and particularities of youth journalists,this paper focused on how to train youth journalists to be a group serving the people and the socialist construction.Youth journalists are not only the newly emerging force in the journalism group,but also the force impelling journalism development and the backbone supporting the prosperity of journalism.In order to make youth journalists better adapt to the new situation and their new mission,it is urgent to strengthen the ideological style construction of youth journalists.%为贯彻落实中宣部等五大部门对于全国新闻战线组织开展“走基层、转作风、改文风”的活动精神,同时结合青年新闻工作者的特点特质,本文重点探讨如何将青年新闻工作者打造成一支为人民服务、为社会主义建设服务的团队。青年新闻工作者既是新闻队伍中的新生力量,又是新闻事业发展的推动力量,更是新闻事业兴旺的中坚力量。为使青年新闻工作者更好地适应当代新形势、新使命,加强落实青年新闻工作者思想作风建设已迫在眉睫。



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