首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >转型升级视野下基础医学实验室建设与实验教学的对策




Further application of modern science and technology in the medical field has gradually raised social requirements for the education level of medical students.Some medical colleges, with the objective of training undergraduate students,are trying to"transform and upgrade": upgrading from vocational colleges to undergraduate colleges.However, in view of the transformation and upgrading, there are generally some prominent problems in the laboratory construction and management of higher vocational colleges, such as insufficient experiment apparatus and unstan-dardized quality, lack of investment on experiment funds, poor qualities of laboratory technicians, backward experiment teaching and management mechanism, single teaching methods and means an so on. This paper makes a systematic exploration from such three aspects as the hard power, soft power and teaching perfor-mance of the laboratory, puts forward the countermeasures related to innovation laboratory construction and experiment teaching, in order to provide a reference for higher vocational colleges that are preparing for the transformation and upgrading.%现代科技在医学领域的深入应用,使社会对医学生的学历层次要求逐步提高,一批以专科生为培养目标的医学院校,正在努力进行"转型升级":从专科升级到本科.但是,在转型升级视野下,大专院校实验室建设与管理普遍存在着一些突出问题,如实验仪器的数量和质量不达标、实验经费的投入不足、实验技术人员素质有待提高、实验教学和管理体制跟不上发展、实验教学方法和手段单一等.本文从实验室的硬实力、软实力、教学绩效三个方面进行了系统的探讨,提出创新实验室建设和实验教学相关的对策,以期为准备创优升本和转型升级的高职高专院校提供参考.



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