首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >职业教育对初等教育人才培养的新要求




The UNESCO held a world conference on education for all in 1990, and proposed the basic requirement of "universally popularizing and finishing elementary education by 2000". It was shown in"The Monitoring and Evaluation Report of National Ed-ucation in China, 2000", which was announced by Ministry of E-ducation in 2000, that the differences of accessing to education among preschoolers in China have been generally eliminated, and early education for children has been vigorously developed, and the number of illiterate young adults has significantly decreased, meaning that China has generally accomplished the requirement of the world conference on education for all. But the development of elementary education is far from meeting the demand of Chi-na's economic development and the people for quality elementary education. Facing the objective of constructing an innova-tion-oriented country and the problems emerging in the develop-ment of elementary education, China has made many beneficial explorations.%联合国教科文组织1990年召开了世界全民教育大会,提出了“到2000年基本普及并完成初等教育”的基本要求。根据2000年教育部发布的《中国全民教育2000年监测评估报告》显示,我国学龄前儿童受教育机会差异基本消除,青壮年文盲显著减少,早期儿童教育得到大力开发,基本完成世界全民教育大会的要求。但是初等教育事业的发展还远远不能满足我国经济发展和人民群众受优质初等教育的需求。面对我国“创新型”国家的建设目标和初等教育发展中出现的问题,我国进行了很多有益的探索。



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