首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >应用型工科院校热工基础课程教学探讨




热工基础作为能源动力类等工科院校的一门专业基础课程,它具有涵盖内容丰富、贴近生活和工程应用范围广等特点。由于该课程需要高等数学和流体动力学作为前期知识而使得其成为一门难以理解和掌握的课程,因此教师和学生在教与学的相互融合过程中由于方法不当等原因出现了很多问题。针对这些问题并结合教学实践,从以专业特色为导向优化教学方法、增加课堂教学手段、注重课堂知识在工程案例及科研创新活动中的运用等方面探讨了新形势下应用型工科院校的热工基础课程改革,以期提高学生的创新能力和解决问题能力。%Thermal engineering is one of basic courses at colleges of energy and power engineering, and it is used widely in daily life and engineering applications. Higher mathematics and fluid dynamics is the basis for this course, as a result this course is difficult for students. Therefore, in the teaching and learning pro-cess of teachers and students there is a lot of problems due to im-proper methods and so on. In this paper, several methods such as optimization of teaching methods oriented professional character-istics, increasing classroom teaching methods and pay attention to the use of knowledge in research and innovation activities have been introduced and discussed on the course reform of thermal engineering. Furthermore, this paper can provide some guiding suggestions for improving students' innovation ability and prob-lem solving ability.



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