首页> 中文期刊> 《科教文汇》 >“复”在老子哲学中的意义




In the book "Laozi", "fu" can be understood as "re-turn" in most cases, and this meaning can be understood from such three levels as the level of universe theory, holding that the all changing things will eventually return to its essence—Tao, the level of life state, holding that life state should return to the placid infant state, and the level of the political field, holding that the ideal of politics is a small country with a small polulation. The three levels are unified essentially, that is, the second and the third levels are in essence the specific embodiments of the first level in life and politics.%在《老子》书中,“复”在大多数情况下都可以理解为“复归、回返”之意。此种意义上的“复”又可以从三个层面来理解:一是宇宙论层面的“复”:“夫物芸芸,各复归其根”,认为变化纷纭的万物最终都会返回到它的本根———道;二是人生境界上的“复”:“为天下谿,常德不离,复归于婴儿”,认为人生的修养境界应该是回复到虚静柔弱的婴儿状态;三是社会政治领域的“复”:“复归于朴”,“使民复结绳而用之”,认为理想的政治是回复到朴素的小国寡民的社会形态。这三个层次实质上是统一的,即人生境界上的“复归”和社会政治方面的“复归”都是万物复归于道分别在人生和政治方面的具体体现。



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