首页> 中文期刊> 《科技创新与生产力》 >北京文化创意产业发展存在的问题及对策建议




文化创意产业作为文化、科技和经济深度融合的产物,凭借其独特的产业价值取向、广泛的覆盖领域和快速的成长方式在全球蓬勃发展。文化创意产业的发展规模和影响程度已经成为衡量一个国家或城市综合竞争力高低的重要标志。北京市在“十二五”规划纲要中明确指出,文化创意产业已经成为首都经济的重要支柱和新增长点,并提出“十二五”时期要着眼于建设中国特色世界城市,立足促进首都产业升级和文化繁荣,把北京建设成为具有国际影响力的文化创新、运营、交易和体验中心。%As depth fusion product of culture, science and technology and economy, culture creative industry having rapidly increased in the world depending on unique value orientation, wide coverage area and the way of growth. The development scale and influence degree of cultural creative industry has become an important symbol measuring comprehensive competi-tiveness of a country and a city's level. Beijing clearly pointed out in the 12th five-year plan outline that cultural creative in-dustry has become the important pillar and the new growth point of the capital economy, and put forward that focus on building world city with Chinese characteristics in the“twelfth five-year”period, based on promoting industrial upgrading and cultural prosperity and building Beijing to a internationally influential cultural innovation, operation, trade and experience cen-ter.



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