首页> 中文期刊> 《实验室研究与探索》 >“大学计算机基础”SRTP式创新实验的实施与评价




将大学生研究训练计划SRTP的团队协作、实践创新的思想引入到“大学计算机基础”实验教学,以小组为单位按“选题→规划设计→分工实施→成果交流→科学评价”流程组织实施了综合性、设计性实验(下称SRTP式创新实验),并采用向小组投置总点数、按贡献度为组员分配点数、用点数计算SRTP式创新实验分值的方法.实现了SRTP式创新实验的科学评价,解决了困扰多年的对大班课协作性、研究性学习进行科学评价的难题.%According to the guiding ideology of student research training program ( SRTP) , this paper introduced the teamwork and cooperation into the experiment course of " computer foundation in college". We design some comprehensive and innovative experiment projects which are implemented by group. The procedure of the experiment is divided into 5 steps: choosing topic, planning, dividing the task and working on it, exchanging the achievements among teams and scientific evaluation. We use the score points to measure the contribution of every member in the group. These methods solved the problem of how to evaluate scientifically the cooperative and inquiry learning in large classes.



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