首页> 中文期刊> 《实验室研究与探索》 >关于工程研究型实验教学的思考与探索




The engineering research experimental teaching plays a critical role in cultivating outstanding engineers. Comerging actual engineering problems with experimental teaching, enables learners to master experimental methods and manupulative skills, thereby, enriching their ability to solve practical problems in the future. This paper, based on the case study of the determination of fluid flow resistance and centrifugal pump characteristic curve, the operation of sieve plate rectification column and packing absorption column, teaches students how to deal with engineering practical problems, how to improve experimental conditions, and how to manipulate chemical engineering unit operation equipment, how to analyze laboratory results, and how to use what they have learned to solve practical engineering problems. After learning the concepts and methods by solving problems through experiments, students are motivated and definitly will brodern their horizons when manage practical engineering problems in the future.%工程研究型实验教学在培养优秀工程师方面发挥着重要作用.将工程实际问题融入实验教学过程,能使实验者在实验研究中掌握的实验方法、操作技能以及得到的实验结论有效地提高其日后处理工程实际问题的能力.以流体流动阻力测定实验、离心泵特性曲线测定实验、筛板塔精馏实验和填料塔吸收实验为案例,分别通过处理工程实际问题的方案研究、过程操作条件的优化研究、化工单元装置的操控研究、工程实验结果的分析研究得出:让学生带着研究任务参与实验,运用已有的专业知识解决几个简单的工程实际问题,从中树立一些工程观点,掌握几种处理工程问题的方法,必将大大激发学生的学习积极性,对开阔他们将来解决实际工程问题的思路具有很大帮助.



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