首页> 中文期刊>实验室研究与探索 >校园社交网络业务应用访问控制模型的设计




As the network platform to support the collaboration in teaching,research and management activities of students,teachers and staff members of colleges and universities,campus social network system has gained increasing popularity and is becoming an important part of the digital campus.In order to combine campus social network system more closely with the ERP system of colleges and universities,in this paper,an access control model for business applications in campus social network system was designed and implemented based on role-based access control model,which also supports effective time for authorization,hierarchical authorization and permission delegation.With this model,campus social network system is expected to provide more flexible,convenient and thoughtful information services for students,teachers and staff members.%作为支持高校师生员工进行教学、科研和管理中的协作型活动的网络平台,高校校园社交网络日益受到关注并逐渐成为高校数字校园的重要组成部分.为了使校园社交网络与电子校务系统紧密结合,扩展了基于角色的访问模型,设计并实现了支持授权有效期、分级授权和权限代理的高校校园社交网络业务应用访问控制模型,从而为高校师生员工提供更加灵活、方便和周到的信息化服务.



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