首页> 中文期刊> 《农业现代化研究》 >生猪养殖场户采用及执行耳标溯源系统的激励因素研究




Based on survey data of 225 pig farmers in Hubei Province and applying an ordinal logistic regression model, this paper analyzed the incentive factors for the adoption and implementation of the ear-notching traceability system by pig farmers. Results show that the actual performance regarding product sales, government’s regulation, and farmers’ perception about risk damage are the most important factors affecting farmers’ decisions. The scale of farming, traceability evaluation, inspecting frequency and recording function have significant and positive effects on strengthening farmers’ implementation efforts. This study demonstrates that market can play an important role in enhancing the incentive compatibility mechanism. In addition, the Government should promote marketing functions by properly regulate market legal environment to create the external pressure and internal incentives to improve product safety.%利用225家规模化生猪养殖场户的调查资料,对耳标溯源系统采用意愿与执行努力的激励因素进行实证研究。定序回归结果显示,养殖场户对耳标溯源系统产品促销的作用评价、政府抽检严格程度及对违规生产惩罚损失的感知程度是耳标溯源系统采用与执行努力最主要的激励因素。养殖规模、责任追究、政府抽检频率以及档案记录不合规的影响等因素对强化执行努力有着显著作用。研究指出,构建激励相容的可追溯系统采用机制,应充分发挥市场激励的基础性作用,政府应加强对市场与法律环境的治理,从外部营造应用溯源系统改善产品质量安全控制的压力和动力。



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