首页> 中文期刊> 《铁道标准设计》 >受地面堆载影响发生偏移铁路桥墩的修复设计




某铁路桥因地面大量堆载引发桥墩偏移等病害,采用基坑放坡开挖模式计算了地面堆载作用下该桥相关桥墩周边土体的滑动面,并以此为前提,采用“m”法及有限元软件对桥墩桩基结构进行了安全性评估计算.根据评估结论,按桩基的受损程度,对承台偏移量大于50 mm的桥墩采用拆除既有桥墩,新建门式墩的修复设计方案;对偏移量在25~50 mm的桥墩采用既有桥墩利旧加固的修复方案.%There were horizontal displacement and other diseases caused by excessive ground loading in a certain railway bridge's piers. Then the surrounding soil's sliding surfaces of the bridge piers under the action of ground loading were calculated by step-slope excavation mode. Based on the calculation results, the structural safety of the pier's pile foundation is calculated and evaluated by the M method and FEM software. According to the evaluation results, considering the deterioration degree of the pile foundation, it is planned to remove the bridge piers which have a horizontal displacement at the pire cap over than SO mm, and then build a new gate-shape bridge pier as substitution; meanwhile, for the bridge piers with a displacement within 25 mm and SO mm, the treatment is to remain such piers by some reinforcement measures.



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