首页> 中文期刊>铁道标准设计 >基于Unity3 d的铁路信号设备虚拟现实系统研究

基于Unity3 d的铁路信号设备虚拟现实系统研究



In order to allow the railway repair and maintenance personnel to quickly understand the railway signaling equipment components and composition, thus improving their equipment repair and maintenance skills, the virtual reality system for railway signaling equipment of Lanzhou station is developed. The use of 3DS Max software in this system to optimize modeling, texturing and texture baking makes it possible to import the model into Unity3 D during a relatively short period of time and improve real-time interaction. The Unity3D software is employed to create virtual railway site working environment. The user can intuitively master the layout, composition and relationship of station, interval and indoor signaling equipment through virtual reality system, while understanding the layout of the yard and other facilities and equipment. The service of the system has proved the simple operating, real environment and strong immersion sense of this system, helping the staff better fulfill their repair and maintenance tasks.%为了使铁路维修维护人员快速了解铁路信号设备的构件及组成,进而增加对设备维修维护的技巧,开发兰州车站铁路信号设备虚拟现实系统。系统利用3DS Max软件进行优化建模、材质渲染、贴图烘焙,使模型能在较短时间内导入Unity3D并提高交互的实时性,运用Unity3D构建铁路现场的虚拟工作环境。用户通过虚拟现实系统可直观地掌握车站、区间及室内信号设备布设、组成及关联关系,同时了解站场及其他设施设备的布局。系统的操作简单、环境真实、沉浸感强,投入使用后达到预期的效果,辅助工作人员更好地完成维修维护工作。



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