首页> 中文期刊> 《铁道技术监督》 >铁路现浇简支梁静载试验装置研究




Looking back to the development process of the loading structure system for the static load test on precastbeams,the article specifies the necessity for designing the static load test device for precast beams. It studies on the selfbalancingstatic load test devices for cast-in-place beams based on pier reaction force,states its design principle andspecifies the composition and each component parameter for the loading structure. By using the finite element software—ANSYS to make an overall modeling analysis on the structure of the loading device and through static calculation,it verifies that the force bearing status and the contact status of each component can meet the requirements. The devicesolves a difficulty in the test in view of the loading method,thus of important value in engineering application.%回顾预制梁静载试验加载结构体系的发展历程,说明设计现浇梁静载试验装置的必要性.研制墩反力法自平衡式现浇梁静载试验装置,阐述其设计原理,给出加载结构组成及各构件参数.采用有限元软件ANSYS对加载装置进行整体建模分析,通过静力计算,验证装置部件受力情况和接触状态均满足要求.装置体系从加载方法上解决了试验难题,具有重要的工程应用价值.



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