首页> 中文期刊> 《铁道建筑》 >高原峡谷区高陡边坡滑塌综合治理技术




T he great temperature differences from day and night at the plateau-valley areas rarely cause any vegetation cover on the mountain surface,which easily causes the appearance of joints and fissures. As a result,slump becomes a regular occurrence. In this light,the paper uses the Penyinla tunnel on the Lhasa-Xigaze railway as an example to study the treatment measures on the slump at tunnel entrances at high and steep slope. It elaborates on the technique on controlled blasting and scaffolding at mid slope,as well as the construction approach of cross-type anchor cable. T he above-mentioned measures and the management scheme proposed may effectively resolve the safety concerns and hopefully may enlighten future construction under unfavorable conditions.%在高原地区,由于昼夜温差较大,山体表面鲜有植被覆盖,极为破碎,易形成节理裂隙,出现滑塌。以新建拉萨至日喀则铁路盆因拉隧道为例,对在施工中出现的隧道进口高陡边坡滑塌治理进行研究,详细阐述了在高原峡谷区高陡边坡实施控制爆破、半坡支架搭设、十字锚索施工等技术。所采取的技术措施加之严格的施工管理,不但有效消除了边坡滑塌安全隐患,也积累了在类似恶劣条件下的施工经验。



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