首页> 中文期刊>铁道建筑 >高烈度地震区隧道紧急停车带与主洞交叉处地震动力响应分析




隧道紧急停车带与主洞交叉处断面结构形式变化较大,刚度不连续,不利于抵抗地震作用,是隧道断面的薄弱环节。基于土-结构相互作用模型,利用黏-弹性边界条件,运用时程分析方法,结合云南保腾高速公路勐连隧道工程实际,对隧道紧急停车带与主洞交叉区段进行三维地震动力响应分析,总结得出了交叉区段位移及应力的动力响应及分布特性,给出了抗震加固部位及范围。研究结果可为高烈度地震区隧道的薄弱部位抗减震设计提供参考。%The intersection of the emergency parking area and main tunnel is the weak part of the tunnel section because its structural forms change greatly and stiffness is discontinuous,which couldn't resist the seismic action. Based on the soil-structure interaction model and visco-elastic boundary conditions,this paper used time history analysis method,made a three-dimensional seismic dynamic response analysis of the intersection of the emergency parking area and main tunnel,concluded the dynamic response and distribution characteristics of the intersection displacement and stress,and put forth the seismic-strengthening position and range by combing with the Menglian tunnel engineering on the Bao-Teng highway in Yunnan. Research results could provide a reference for seismic-reducing design of the weak part in a high-intensity earthquake region tunnel.



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