首页> 中文期刊>齐鲁学刊 >民生刑法视角下食品安全犯罪之刑法规制




我国已经步入民生时代,我国刑法正面临着从国家刑法向民生刑法的转向,民生刑法理应成为食品安全犯罪乃至整部刑法典的立法理念。依照民生刑法,食品安全犯罪在刑法分则体系中应当被定位为危害公共安全犯罪,其规制方案应当这样设计:通过纵向的法益保护前置措施,包括设置抽象危险犯、预备行为犯罪化、增设持有型犯罪,和横向的调控范围拓宽措施,包括拓展打击环节、增设过失犯罪和不作为犯罪,来实现刑事法网的严密化。%Our country has entered the people’s livelihood era,our country’s criminal law is facing the turning from the na-tional criminal law to the people's livelihood criminal law,the people’s livelihood criminal law should be the legislation idea of food safety crimes and even the whole criminal code.According to the people’s livelihood criminal law,food safety crime should be positioned as the crime of endangering public safety in the specific provisions of criminal law system,it’s regulation scheme should be designed so that to realize the criminal law closely:through the longitudinal legal interests protection front measures,including setting the abstract dangerous crime,acting the prepare behavior as a crime,adding holding type crime, and through the horizontal widening regulation range measures,including expanding fight link,increasing the number of crimi-nal negligence and negative crime.



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