首页> 中文期刊>动物医学进展 >LAMP 技术在家禽病毒检测中的应用

LAMP 技术在家禽病毒检测中的应用



环介导等温扩增技术(LAMP)是一种简便快速的 DNA 扩增技术,具有特异性强、敏感性高、反应迅速、设备简单、判定简易等特点,非常适合在基层和临床上应用。自 LAMP 出现后,在多个领域得到了大量的研究和应用,尤其在家禽病毒的检测方面发展迅速,检测动物包括鸡、鸭、鹅、鸽等多种家禽,检测对象包含引起呼吸道感染、肿瘤、免疫抑制等方面的多种病毒,检测的敏感性和特异性比 PCR 还要高,在家禽病毒性感染的诊断和防控中发挥了重要的作用。当前影响其广泛应用的主要问题是扩增模板,如果能解决病原核酸在生产现场的简便提取,定能在将来得到更广泛的普及应用。%Loop-mediated isothermal amplification(LAMP)is an extremely rapid,convenient,sensitive and specific DNA amplification method and used to detect a pathogen in Point-of-Care test.Now it can be used in various fields such as detection of fowl viruses.A lot of fowl viruses which can infect chickens,ducks, geese or pigeons to induce symptoms of the respiratory system,tumours or immunosuppressions were de-tected by LAMP.LAMP has higher sensitivity and specificity than PCR,so it will play an important role in diagnosis and control of fowl viruses.If the trouble that template can be extracted simply in the spot is solved,LAMP will be widely used in future by its rapid,accuracy,simple and convenient characteristics.



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