首页> 中文期刊>动物医学进展 >规模化猪场猪圆环病毒2型的血清流行病学调查




In order to acquaint the seral epidemiology of infection with prcine circovirus type 2 in scale pig farms,ELISA was used to detect PCV2 antibody.The results showed that there were PCV2 infection in scale pig farms in Yuncheng area widespreadly,the average positive rate of PCV2 antibody was 49.66% in pigs without PCV2 vaccine immunization,the positive rate of PCV2 antibody in boars was 67%,4.55% in suckling piglets,43% in nursery pigs,and 64.71% in fattening pigs.The PCV2 infection had rising trend with the growth in clinical health pigs.In order to acquaint the morbidity and epidemic feature of syndromes in infections with PCV2 in scale pig farms,400 samples were collected clinicaly with PMWS,CT,PDNS,reproductive failure and PCV2 associated pneumonia,and PCV2 antibodies were detected.The results showed that the positive rate of PCV2 antibody was the highest in PMWS than that in other symptoms,and reached 86.25%,and 56.25%,46.25%,26.25% in PCV2 associated pneumonia,PDNS and reproductive failure respectively,it was lowest in CT,and reached 11.25%.The results showed that the major symptoms of PCV2 infection were PMWS and PCV2 associated pneumonia,then were PDNS,CT in scale pig farms of Yuncheng area.%为了解规模化猪场猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)血清学流行情况,采用ELISA进行PCV2抗体检测.结果表明,运城地区规模化猪场广泛存在PCV2感染,未免疫接种猪圆环病毒疫苗的外观健康猪血清样品中PCV2抗体平均阳性率为49.66%,其中种猪感染率达67%,哺乳仔猪感染率4.55%,保育猪感染率43%,育肥猪感染率64.71%;外观健康猪群检测结果提示,随着年龄的增长PCV2感染有升高趋势.为了进一步研究猪圆环病毒感染各症候群在规模化场发病特点及流行规律,采集临床疑似断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合征(PMWS)、仔猪先天性震颤(Congenital tremors,CT)、猪肾炎皮炎综合征(PDNS)、猪的繁殖障碍(Reproductive failure)、PCV2相关性肺炎等症状猪血清400份进行PCV2抗体检测.检测结果显示,疑似PMWS症状PCV2抗体阳性率最高,达86.25%,然后依次是疑似PCV2相关性肺炎阳性率56.25%,疑似PDNS阳性率46.25%,疑似繁殖障碍阳性率26.25%,最低的是疑似CT阳性率11.25%.研究结果表明,运城地区规模化猪场PCV2感染以PMWS和PCV2相关性肺炎为主,其次是PDNS和繁殖障碍,仔猪先天性震颤感染率最低.



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