首页> 中文期刊> 《临床医药实践》 >腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术后的妊娠结局分析




目的:探讨有生育要求的子宫肌瘤患者行腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术后的妊娠情况和结局。方法:回顾性分析2006年1月-2010年1月有生育要求和完整随访资料的子宫肌瘤患者148例,分析其临床一般资料、围术期资料、术后妊娠情况和结局。结果:148例术后随访6~60个月,其中108例(73.0%)成功妊娠并最终分娩,孕周平均(38.5±1.1)周,86例(79.6%)剖宫产,13例(12.0%)自然分娩,9例阴道助产。术后第1年妊娠者65例(60.2%),第2年30例(27.8%),第3至第5年13例。共妊娠162次,其中足月产121次,早产5次,流产30次,异位妊娠5次,1例孕20周发生子宫破裂。结论:腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术创伤小,恢复快,对妊娠无明显影响,对于有生育要求的子宫肌瘤患者是一种安全可行的手术方式。%Toanalyzereproductivesituationandoutcomeofpregnancyunderlaparoscopicmyomectomywho wish preserve fertility. Methods:Analyze 148 myomas patients who wish preserve fertility between January 2006 and January 2010. To analyze their general materials,operative materials and pregnancy outcomes. Results:After following-up between 6~60 months,108(72. 9%)of 148 patients conceived. The mean pregnancy week is(38. 5 ± 1. 1),86(79. 6%)term caesare-an,13(12. 0%)term vaginal deliveries,9 patients delived transviginal help. There are 65 pregnancy in the first year after op-eration,30 pregnancy in the second year,13 pregnancy in the third-fifth year. 148 patients produced 162 pregnancies,121 term diliveries,5 preterm diliveries,30 abotions,4 ectopic pregnancies and 1 uterine rupture in the 20th week during pregnan-cy. Conclusion:Laparoscopic myomectomy has smaller trauma and quicker recovery and no influence to pregnancy. It is a safe and feasible treatment option for myomas patients who wish preserve fertility.



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