首页> 中文期刊>电网与清洁能源 >基于最短路算法和最小节点电压法的配电网络重构




The paper proposes one method of distribution network reconfiguration based on shortest path algorithm and minimum node voltage algorithm. As a kind of weighted graph the entire distribution network seeks the puwer supply way separately by the shortest path algorithm for each load based on current calculation. In the tree -form network formed, careful network optimization as well as network analysis situs in accordance with the objective function are obtained by minimum node voltage algorithm which carries out sub circuit exchanges. The example shows that no special network and initial network structure is required, and this method demonstrates significant advantages in terms of easy management of optimization of the complex network, with high processing speed and ideal effects.%提出了一种基于最短路算法和最小节点电压法的配电网络重构方法.首先将整个配电网当成一个赋权图,在潮流计算的基础上,利用最短路径法为每个负荷分别寻找供电路径,然后在形成的树状网络中利用最小节点电压法进行支路交换操作细致优化网络,从而得到满足目标函数的网络拓扑.实例表明该方法对所网络没有特殊要求,不依赖于网络初始结构,易干解决复杂结构网络的寻优问题,重构速度较快、结果理想.



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