首页> 中文期刊> 《中国麻业科学》 >喷施氯吡苯脲对苎麻纤维产量和品质的影响




This study systematically described the effect of N - (2 - chloro -4 - pyridyl) - N'- phe-nylurea ( CPPU) on the quality and yield of ramie fiber. Our results indicated that the increased yields of raw ramie fiber reached higher by 3. 17% , 10. 59% and 21. 05% than the control respectively at the three harvest seasons, and the total yield of the three seasons reached higher by 11.22% , when the usage of CPPU was 10 mg/L. And it could improve the breaking strength and elongation rate of fiber as well as its crystallinity at the first and third seasons after spraying CPPU at the concentration of 10 mg/L, but no increase of pectin content in raw ramie, therefor the fiber quality was progressed. While at the second season, there were no significant differences for the aboved parameters between the experimented treatment and the control except for the increased fiber crystallity degree. Therefore we recommend that spraying 10 mg/L CPPU increase the fiber yield and quality. These results might provide a reliable technological support for producing and researching high yield and quality of ramie fiber.%本研究以华苎4号为研究对象,通过喷施不同浓度的氯吡苯脲[N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N'-phenylurea(CPPU)],系统探讨其对苎麻纤维产量和品质的影响.结果表明,喷施浓度为1Omg/L时可以提高原麻产量,三季麻分别比对照增加3.17%、10.59%和21.05%,总产增产达11.22%,但喷施各个浓度CPPU时苎麻产量与对照相比均无显著差异.喷施CPPU不会导致原麻含胶率升高,头麻、三麻期间通过影响断裂强力、断裂伸长率、纤维细度以及结晶度达到提高苎麻品质的作用,二麻喷施时可以提高结晶度,其它方面影响不大.综合品质指标和产量指标来看,喷施浓度为10mg/L的CPPU可以提高原麻产量,且对苎麻品质影响不显著.该方法能够为苎麻高产优质的生产研究提供技术支持.



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