首页> 中文期刊> 《中国麻业科学》 >不同类型红麻品种在滨海盐碱地的适应性表现




Abstracts:In order to explore the salt tolerance and to select high -yielding variety of kenaf that planted appropriately in saline -alkali soil,the adaptability of different types of kenaf cultivars in coastal saline -alkali soil was tested,and agronomic characters and yield of different types of kenaf cultivars were studied.The results showed that the heterosis existed in yields under salt stress,the yields of hybrids were higher than that of conventional varieties,the F1 hybrid of kenaf showed overparent heterosis.The fading rates of F2 and F3 were not obvious,and they still had evidently hererosis.So F2 and F3 seeds could be planted in coastal saline -alkali soil to save production cost.%以长江流域麻区表现较好、具有高产潜力的不同类型红麻品种为试材,在滨海盐碱地上种植进行盐碱地适应性试验,对其经济性状和产量指标进行了分析。结果表明:杂交红麻比其亲本有明显的产量优势,杂交红麻品种耐盐能力要强于常规红麻品种,并表现出明显的超亲优势, F2和 F3衰退率并不明显,仍具有较强的杂种优势,因此,生产上盐碱地种植红麻可利用 F2代和F3种子以节约成本。



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