首页> 中文期刊> 《中国麻业科学》 >高产多抗优质红麻新品种“中红麻16号”的选育




中红麻16号(原名“YA1”)系利用优良红麻材料(KB2×KB11)×(EV41×72-4)回交选育而成的一个集高产、抗病、抗倒、皮骨比高、优质、适应性广于一体的纺织、多用途的红麻新品种,茎红色,圆滑光泽,掌状深裂叶,茎杆直立较硬上下粗细较均匀,苞叶5片,花萼7片,花冠黄白色,晚熟型品种。株高419.59 cm,茎粗1.91 cm,纤维鲜皮厚度1.39 mm,笨麻率20.83%,干皮出麻率62.94%。在2009-2010年全国红麻区域试验中,其纤维产量4277.85 kg/hm2,比对照福红951增产20.31%,居第二位,在常规品种中居首位。在2010年生产试验中纤维产量3722.93 kg/hm2,较对照(福红951)3298.78 kg/hm2增产12.86%。人工接菌炭疽病鉴定,15天后病情指数为35.40,45天后病情指数为33.2,属于中抗类型,纤维支数301公支,强力323牛顿。%China Kenaf 16 (original name:YA1),a new variety of kenaf,which is backcross from progeny of “KB2 ×KB11”דEV41 ×72 -4”,is a textile and multipurpose variety with high yield,dis-ease -resistance,lodging resistances,high quality and wide adaptability.Meanwhile,it has the charac-ters of decomposite leaf,stiff erect stem,five bracts,seven calyxes,red stem and mature late.The plant height is 419.59 cm,stem diameter is 1.91 cm,fresh bark is 1.39 mm,weak plant ratio is 20.83%and fiber percentage of dry bark is 62.94%.In national kenaf regional trial,the fiber yield of China Ke-naf 16 was 4277.85 kg/hm2 ,and 20.31% higher than that of control “Fuhong 951”from 2009 to 2010.Fiber and stem yields ranked the second place among the all varieties,and highest among the convention-al varieties.In kenaf production test,the fiber yield of China Kenaf 16 was 3722.93 kg/hm2 ,and 12.86% higher than that of control “Fuhong 951”in 2010.Its fiber strength and fineness were 323 N and 301,respectively.Disease index were 35.4(15 days)and 33.2(45 days),respectively.These re-sults showed that it was middle resistance to the anthracnose disease.



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