首页> 中文期刊>石油炼制与化工 >RPD-JM原油脱钙剂的工业应用




RPD-JM, a calcium removal agent developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, has been applied at the crude distillation unit of Jingmen Petrochemical Corporation since 2007, processing high calcium crude oils, such as Nanyang crude oil and Jianghan crude oil. The application results show that using RPD-JM calcium removal agent and demulsifier simultaneously, the average removal rates of calcium and iron reach more than 80% and 27. 03% , respectively; the electric current of the desalting tank reduces, providing a 109. 4 MWh electricity saving annually; by using calcium removal agent, the FCC catalyst consumption decreases by 4. 44% , the activity of E-cat increases 2 units and the vacuum residue blending ratio of FCC unit increases 1. 95 percentage points.%中国石化荆门分公司2号常减压蒸馏装置采用中国石化石油化工科学研究院研制的RPD-JM脱钙剂,对南阳、江汉原油等含钙较高的原油进行了脱钙工业应用.结果表明:RPD-JM脱钙剂与破乳剂同时使用时,原油平均脱钙率达到80%以上,脱铁率为27.03%;加入脱钙剂后,电脱盐罐的电流降低,每年可节电109,4MWh;加入脱钙剂后,催化裂化装置催化剂单耗下降4.44%,平衡剂活性提高2个单位,催化裂化装置掺渣率提高1.95百分点.



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