首页> 中文期刊>石油炼制与化工 >加氢裂化装置加工焦化蜡油操作优化




In order to improve the quality of FCC gasoline and increase the economic profit,SINOPEC, Guangzhou Company,tried the hydrocracking of feedstock blending with coker gas oil. The results indi﹣cated that when processing the blending feed,the tail oil BMCI was increased and steam cracking fur﹣nace operation cycle was shortened. To solve these problems,we used KBC’s Petro﹣SIM software to optimize the operation conditions of the hydrocracking unit. The optimized conditions are:hydrogen partial pressure of 13. 31 MPa and the cut﹣point of fractionation tower of 375 ℃. After optimization,the tail oil BMCI decreases from 13. 01 to 11. 03,the cracking furnace coke cleaning cycle extend from 28 days to 5 2 days.%为改善催化裂化汽油质量,提高经济效益,中国石化广州分公司进行了加氢裂化装置原料掺炼焦化蜡油试验研究。结果表明,掺炼焦化蜡油后,加氢裂化尾油BMCI增大,乙烯装置裂解炉运行周期缩短。为解决该问题,利用英国KBC公司开发的Petro﹣SIM软件,模拟出加氢裂化装置最佳操作工况,将加氢裂化装置反应器压力由12.98 MPa 提高至13.31 MPa、分馏塔切割温度由369℃调整为375℃。优化后,加氢裂化尾油BMCI由13.01降至11.03,乙烯装置裂解炉运行周期从28天延长至52天。



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