首页> 中文期刊> 《大庆石油地质与开发》 >低渗气藏储层应力敏感性原因及岩石变形机制




Low permeable tight gas reservoir is shown strong stress sensitivity of reservoir permeability in the depletion type development because of its geological characteristics, at present, many scholars have researched the influence to the effects of gas reservoir development, but hardly researched the reasons resulted from reservoir stress sensitivity and mechanism controlled rock deformation. Based on the effective stress theory and experimental research,this paper studies reservoir material type, rock composition, clay mineral component and content, characteristics of pore throat structure and effective stress rule, and understands the stress sensitivity and rock deformation mechanism of low permeable gas reservoir, which provide the powerful theoretical support for establishing the reasonable development technique limit and plan of this type of gas reservoir.%低渗致密气藏由于其自身的地质特征,在衰竭式开发过程中表现出较强的储层渗透率应力敏感性,其对气藏开发效果的影响已有较多学者研究,但关于引起储层应力敏感性的内在原因和控制岩石变形的机制却鲜有研究.在有效应力理论及实验研究基础上,从储层介质类型、岩石组成、黏土矿物成分及含量、孔喉结构特征及有效应力定律等方面进行研究,从深层次认识清楚低渗气藏储层应力敏感性原因及岩石变形机制,为该类气藏制定合理的开发技术界限以及开发调整方案提供了有力的理论支撑.



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