首页> 中文期刊> 《石化技术与应用》 >DN200与DN3551加氢催化剂的硫化过程及工业应用




The hydrogenation catalysts DN 200 and DN 3551 were presulfurized by wet sulfurizing process in a 1.0 Mt/a hydrofining unit of Jinxi Petrochemical Company. The results showed that after using DN 3551 ,the sulfur content in the productions of diesel and gasoline could meet the European Ⅲ and European Ⅴ standards respectively. The desulfurization rates of diesel and gasoline were 95.41% ,99.95% respectively under the condition of production load of 110.6 t/h. The denitrification effect of DN 3551 was better than that of original catalyst DN 3110,its denitrification rate was 6.4 percentage points higher than that of the latter.%采用湿法硫化工艺,在中国石油锦西石化公司100万t/a加氢精制装置上对DN 200与DN 3551加氢催化剂进行硫化.结果表明,采用DN 3551后,生产的柴油和汽油含硫量分别达到欧Ⅲ和欧V排放标准;在处理量为110.6 t/h的条件下,柴油和汽油的脱硫率分别为95.41%和99.95%.新催化剂DN 3551较原催化剂DN 3110的脱氮效果好,脱氮率高出6.4个百分点.



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