首页> 中文期刊>开放教育研究 >移动学习:国际研究实践与展望--访英国开放大学迈克·沙普尔斯教授




近年来,随着智能手机、平板电脑、电子阅读器等个人电子设备的普及,移动学习开始流行全球。移动学习是跨越多个情境的学习,对于构建学习型社会、支持非正式学习意义重大。本期我们有幸邀请到移动学习领域国际著名学者、英国开放大学迈克·沙普尔斯( Mike Sharples)教授,介绍和分析移动学习的国际发展现状及未来趋势。  迈克·沙普尔斯现为英国开放大学教育技术研究所教授, FutureLearn公司的首席学术顾问,主要研究以人为本的学习环境和新技术设计。他发起了一系列的移动学习国际会议,是移动学习国际协会( the International Association for Mobile Learning )的创会会长,还担任国际期刊《IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies》副主编,承担科学教学的国际虚拟实验室( Wolfson OpenScience)、通过视频帮助理工科学生理解复杂的课程内容( JUXTALEARN)等重要项目研究。%Mike Sharples is a professor of Educational Technology in the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University, UK. He also has a post as Academic Lead for the FutureLearn Company. His research includes hu-man-centered design of new technologies and environments for learning. He inaugurated the m-Learn conference se-ries and was the Founding President of the International Association for Mobile Learning. He is Associate Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. His projects include the Wolfson Open Science Laboratory which is an international virtual laboratory for practical science teaching, the JUXTALEARN project on science learning through creative media, and the n-Quire project to develop online inquiry science learning for young people.



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