首页> 中文期刊> 《油气田地面工程》 >伊拉克哈法亚油田联合站高流速输气管道噪声治理




伊拉克哈法亚油田联合站一级分离器高流速输气管道噪声值高达106 dB(A),不仅影响站内员工的身体健康,而且也影响到员工彼此之间的对话交流,给工作带来不便。结合噪声特性和降噪目标,对高噪声管道采用了阻尼减振、吸声材料和隔声材料包裹的噪声控制措施,并在控制阀等高噪声处安装隔声罩。采取噪声治理措施后,噪声实测结果表明,一级分离器区管道噪声值降至85 dB(A)以下,取得了良好的降噪效果,达到了工作场所职业噪声规定的要求。%The highest noise level of first separator high-speed gas pipeline is 106 dB(A). The noise not only can cause grave harm to the physical health of employees ,but also influ-ent the communication of them in workplace. So, it is taken to wrap damping material, sound absorption material, sound insulation material and acoustic enclosure on the gas pipe-line according with the noise characteristic and noise control object. After noise control, the testing noise level in first separator pipeline area demonstrates get a better sound effect and the noise level is lower than 85 dB(A) which could meet the requirement of occupational noise regulation.



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