首页> 中文期刊> 《护理实践与研究》 >护理管理者能力、工作支持对护士工作满意度的影响




目的:分析护理管理者能力、工作支持对护士工作满意度的影响,为制定引导护士爱岗敬业及身心健康的对策提供科学依据.方法:选取2012年1月~2015年1月我市某三甲医院的护士1299名作为调查对象,针对护士在对护理管理者的能力、工作支持和工作满意度方面进行问卷调查.结果:工龄≥30年护士认为管理者的能力与工作支持得分最高,而工龄在11~15年的护士得分最低(P<0.05).88.53%的护士认为护士长是一个称职的管理者和领导,86.68%的护士认为护理管理者对护理服务的水平有较高的要求,但仅有39.80%的护士认为医院领导能听取员工关心的问题并会有所反应,48.50%的护士认为医院管理人员是护士的支持者.Pearson相关分析发现,护士满意度中的8个维度均与护理管理者能力及工作支持整体得分均呈正相关(P<0.05),可以通过给予更多的工作参与控制、合理安排排班、提供职业发展机会等方面提高护士对护理管理者能力与工作支持的影响.结论:护理管理者能力、工作支持对护士的工作满意度均有影响,而且有针对性地对高度相关因素进行改善可以提高管理者的支持并提高护士的工作满意度.%Objective: To analyze the influence of nursing manager's capability and work support on nursing satisfaction, so as to provide scientific basis for formulation of countermeasures guiding the nurses to passionate in the job and keep healthy in body and mind.Methods: Selected 1299 nurses from a third-grade class-A hospital of our city in the period from January 2012 to January 2015 and they were taken as objects of investigation, and they received questionnaire survey in nursing manager's capability, work support, and work satisfaction.Results: the nurses with length of service ≥30 gave the highest scores in manager's capability and work support, and the nurses with length of service 11-15 years gave the lowest scores in manager's capability and work support (P<0.05).88.53% of nurses held that a head nurse was a competent manager and leader, 86.68% of nurses held that the nursing manager had a higher requirement for nursing service live, 39.80% of nurses held that the hospital leaders could listen to the problems concerned by staff and then make a response, and 48.50% if nurses held that the hospital management personnel were supporters of nurses.It's discovered by related analysis by Pearson that, 8 dimensions among the nurse satisfaction were of positive correlation with the scores of nursing manager's capability and work support (P<0.05);and the influence of nurses on nursing manager's capability and work support could be improved through offer of more work participation and control, reasonable shift arrangement, and provision of career development opportunities, and etc.Conclusion: Nursing manager's capability and work support could influence the work satisfaction of nurses, and the nursing manager's support as well as the nurse's work satisfaction could be improved through the pertinent improvement of high correlation factors.



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