首页> 中文期刊>解放军护理杂志 >'五化'机制在聘用护理人员管理中的应用




Objective To explore the management experience of employed nurses under the new situation in military hospitals. Methods The“five aspects” management mechanism was implemented, including access of qualification, militarization daily management, protection of legalization interests, goal-oriented training and humanization of personnel management of employed nurses in the hospital. The effects were compared before and after the implementation of the“five aspects” management mechanism. Results Significant differences were observed in qualification rates,military and basic skills as well as the representation and professional titles before and after the implementation of the“five aspects” management mechanism(P<0.05 or P<0.01). Conclusion The“five aspects” management mechanism is a successful pattern for military hospitals to enhance their construction of employed nursing staff for socialization.%目的 探讨军队医院新形势下聘用制护理人员管理的经验.方法 对医院聘用制护理人员实行执业资格准入化、日常管理军事化、权益保障合法化、培养任用目标化、人员管理人性化的"五化"管理机制,并与实施前的相关指标进行对比分析.结果实施"五化"管理前后,聘用护士执业资格获取率、军事技能和基本技能训练职称以及任职情况均有差异(P<0.05或P<0.01).结论 "五化"管理模式极大地加强了聘用制护理队伍的建设,是军队社会化管理的一种值得推荐的模式.



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