首页> 中文期刊>解放军护理杂志 >神经系统疾病护理示范基地的探索与实践




Objective To explore the standard management and advanced technology of the demonstration bases for nervous system disease. Methods The teaching methods and contents were focused on refining of the key points. Special working groups were established to formulate clear management system. The training effects were evaluated by theoretical and operating assessment combined with the trainees' feedback.Results Through training, the trainees broadened their thinking and improved their theoretical level and operational capabilities. Meanwhile,a work platform of advanced base for neurological diseases was established and achieved good results. Conclusion The base construction is a large systematic project, which requires strengthening organizational leadership, establishing a clear standard, formalating nice arrangments,implementing entire process monitoring and mobilizing the full participation.%目的 探索建设管理规范、技术先进的神经系统疾病护理示范基地的有效举措.方法 将授课方法及授课内容进行重点细化,成立专项工作小组,制订明确的管理制度,采用理论考核结合操作考核以及学员反馈的方法评估带教效果.结果 通过培训,学员们开阔了思路,提高了理论水平及操作能力,同时也建立了先进的神经系统疾病护理示范基地工作平台,取得示范基地建设工作良好成效.结论 全军神经系统疾病护理示范基地建设是一个大的系统工程,加强组织领导、制定清晰标准、做好周密部署、实施全过程监护、调动全员参与是保证建设工作取得成效的基本途径.



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