首页> 中文期刊> 《宁夏医学杂志》 >HLA-DR两种分型方法的比较




Objectives Study the HLA-DR antigen typing serological method and PCR-SSP method in renal transplantation donor and recipients,to evaluate the advantages and shortages of these two methods.Methods  By using double blind method to these samples which had been tested by HLA-DR serotyping were again tested by PCR-SSP genotyping.For 4 patients who deternind as HLA-DR single sit by serotyping while as double sites by genotying,their blood was collected and tested repeat by serotyping.Results  Mean consuming time was 80 minutes in serological typing method,145minutes in PCR-SSP method.Serological typing error rate(expect 4 patients tested repeat by serotyping)was 11.3%(recipient 14.7% and donor 8.0%).For the patients whose blood were recollected,one had double sites,which was diffent form PCR-SSP typing.Conclusions  The motived serological typing still has certain superiority when demanding cadaveric renal HLA-DR typing be finished in a short time,at preset,while PCR-SSP is more correct,simpler and fast,therefore,PCR-SSP is gowing replacing the serological typing method.%目的  探讨肾移植供受体HLA-DR血清学分型与PCR-SSP基因分型方法的优缺点。方法 对已作HLA-DR血清学分型的供受体标本,进行PCR-SSP基因分型法作HLA-DR抗原分型;并对4例血清学分型为HLA-DR一个位点,而PCR-SSP为两个位点的受者,重新抽血作HLA-DR血清学分型。结果 血清学法耗时80min, PCR-SSP法耗时145min;血清学方法误差率(不包括重新血清学分型的例数)为11.3%(受者14.7%,供者8.0%)。重新作血清学分型的4例中,有1例结果为两个位点,与PCR-SSP结果一致,其余与原结果相同。结论  改进中的血清学方法暂时还适合我国尸体供肾快速配型的需要。PCR-SSP法分型具有准确、简便、快速的优点,随着其方法学的不断发展将逐步取代血清学方法在HLA-DR分型中的应用。



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