首页> 中文期刊> 《市政技术》 >武汉地区饱和黏性土热物理性质试验研究




According to the three phrase composition of saturated cohesive soil, this paper studies the relationship between thermo physical properties and density, moisture content, void ratio of soil. During the detailed explored phase of Wuhan metro engineering, experiments of thermo physical properties and soil test were conducted by taking undisturbed samples of saturated cohesive soil in first-terrace. Regression analysis are based on the assumptions that thermal physical properties of water and solid particles are constant, and the moisture migration is not significant. Results show that thermal conductivity increases with density increasing and decrease with void ratio increasing; specific heat increases with moisture content increasing. Empirical formulas are given to calculate the thermal conductivity and specific heat by analyzing, which are easy to operate in engineering design.%根据二相土的组成特点,研究饱和黏性土热物理性质与其含水量、密度及孔隙比等参数问的关系。在武汉地铁详勘阶段,采取一级阶地黏性土饱和原状土样,利用KD2 Pro Thermal Properties Analyzer热参数分析仪进行热物理性质试验,同时测试土样的含水茸及密度。对试验结果进行回归分析,分析时假设土中水及同体颗粒骨架的热物理性质为定值,且土中水分没有明显的迁移。结果表明:黏性土导热系数随原状土样密度的增加而增加,随孔隙比的增加而降低:比热容随原状土样含水量的增加而增加。结合试验结果及同外的经验公式.给出了便于工程使用的导热系数及比热容计算公式。



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