首页> 中文期刊>世界科学技术-中医药现代化 >基于多囊卵巢综合征现代文献信息库挖掘中医证治规律




This study was aimed to mine correlation between the cause and traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) syndrome of polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS ) from different angles and at different levels . The study found that the inherent laws of the cause and syndrome by the application of different statistical methods and data mining methods . The literature information database of PCOS was searched . And the Microsoft Office Excel and the Microsoft Office Access were used in the establishment o the database . And the SPSS17 . 0 was used as the statistical software . The Medisc-3S system was used as the mining tools to discover the rules between etiology and syndrome . The function of frequency statistics and complex networks were used to discover and summarize the TCM syndrome and treatment of PCOS . The TCM syndrome and treatment of PCOS were discov-ered and summarized according to the statistical results . And the results showed that three reasons of etiology and pathogenesis of PCOS contained kidney-deficiency , phlegm-dampness , and blood-stasis . The five types of TCM syndrome included spleen-kidney deficiency , kidney-deficiency and blood-stasis , spleen-deficiency and phlegm-dampness , kidney-deficiency and phlegm-dampness , kidney-deficiency and liver stagnation . It was concluded that the treatment should be mainly from kidney-tonification and assisted with blood-activation and phlegm-removing . The association rules and complex networks of data mining methods were applied in the lit-erature research of PCOS . The results provided literature references and statistical evidences for the phlegm-dampness accumulation in the uterus as the pathogenesis of PCOS , and the methods of kidney-tonification , blood-activation and phlegm-removing as the treatment principles .%目的:应用频数统计、关联规则和复杂网络等方法挖掘多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)的病因、辨证分型,从不同角度、层次发现证、治间的内在规律,为临床辨证治疗提供依据。方法:应用Excel和Access建立数据库,进行频次统计,采用SPSS 17.0和Medisco-3S系统进行关联分析及复杂网络分析。结果:肾虚、痰湿、血瘀为PCOS的基本致病因素,因此“痰瘀胞宫”为PCOS生殖藏象的基本病机,PCOS主要证型为脾肾两虚、肾虚血瘀、脾虚痰湿、肾虚痰瘀互阻及肾虚肝郁5型。结论:治疗上应以补肾为主,辅以活血化痰疗法;将现代统计学方法与关联规则、复杂网络等数据挖掘方法相结合应用于PCOS文献研究中,能够为PCOS的“痰瘀胞宫”病机理论的提出和“补肾活血化痰法”的治则治法提供文献依据和统计学证据。



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