首页> 中文期刊>现代教育管理 >转化学习理论视域下破解教育改革'理念阻力'的思与行




大量实践表明,预期教学改革目标并不总是能顺利实现,这一现象是多方原因作用的结果.来自教育改革各方更深层次的"理念阻力"是这一问题的逻辑起点.教育改革理念阻力的表征体现在三方面:一是来自改革各方对传统教育理念的固守,造成改革的新理念被异化、目标被曲解;二是改革各方对新理念内涵的片面理解,造成改革内容被误读;三是对理念转化为行动的能力再造不够,造成改革的执行被简单化、改革的绩效被降低.转化学习理论对于认识和化解教育改革理念阻力具有借鉴意义,对于有效推进教育改革、提升教育改革绩效大有裨益.%Many practices show that the expected goal of teaching reform is not always achieved successfully due to various reasons,among which the ideological resistance in the deeper level of the reform is the logical starting point. This resistance can be expressed in 3 forms which are as follows:first,the new idea of teaching reform is alienated and its target is misinterpreted because people stick to the old idea;second,the reform is misunderstood because of people’s partial understanding;third,the implementation and performance of the reform is simplified and decelerated due to the lack of capacity of reinventing idea into action. The theory of transformative learning has referential value for recognizing and resolving the ideological resistance and great significance for effectively pushing forward the teaching reform and promoting reform performance.



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