首页> 中文期刊> 《现代临床护理》 >ISSM对构建护理人员安全用药体系的启示




Objective To explore the effect of Interests-Coordination Soft System Methodology (ISSM) on the construction of safe medication system for nurses. Method After the defects in system' s construction in the settings of clinical medication, the structure of safe medication system for nurses was designed and analyzed using ISSM. Result ISSM made up for the defects of Hard System Methodology so that the "invisible" problems were resolved in time and the defects in the designs of traditional safety management were corrected so as to ensure the quality and efficiency of medication. Conclusions The ISSM medication system is effective for medication safety. It is sustainable and contributive for the development of nursing discipline.%目的 探讨利益协调软系统方法论(interests-coordination soft systems methodology,ISSM)对构建临床护理人员安全用药体系的指导作用.方法 通过深入分析临床用药环境中的不良结构系统特性,提出了采用ISSM构建护理人员安全用药体系的思路,并运用ISSM的逻辑步骤分析该体系的基本构成.结果 ISSM的应用弥补了硬系统方法论(Hard System Methodology,HSM)的不足,使临床用药环境中出现的“软问题”能得到及时有效地处理,弥补了传统安全管理设计中的不足,从而有效提高用药质量和效率,确保临床用药安全.结论 ISSM用药体系模式的设计,是提高临床用药安全的有效手段,具有可持续发展性,对护理学科的发展具有积极的意义.



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