首页> 中文期刊>现代临床护理 >参加孕妇学校对初产妇分娩方式和产褥期行为的影响




Objective To investigate the effect of education in pregnant women’s school on primipara mode of delivery and puerperal behavior.Methods Two hundred and twenty cases who delivered in our hospital and paid postpartum visits were divided into observation group and control group equally according to whether they had attended the pregnant women’s school.The observation group included those having attended the school and the control those who had not.The two groups were compared in terms of primipara mode of delivery and puerperal behavior.Results The rates of maternal vaginal delivery and cesarean section rate in observation group were 71.8%and 28.2%,both significantly higher than those of the control group(52.7%and 47.3%)(P<0.01).The rate of caesarean section due to social factors in the observation group was significantly lower than that of the control group(P<0.05).Besides,the observation group had higher rates of puerperiumal shampoo, showering, eating vegetables and fruits,brushing,use of air-conditioners than the control group did(all P<0.01).Conclusions Prenatal maternal health education in the pregnant women’s school affects puerperous behavior.It suggests that prenatal parturients actively participate in related education on maternal health care,which can help establish a good pregnancy and puerperium maternal behavior,reduce maternal cesarean section and thus help them live through puerperium.%目的:探讨参加孕妇学校对初产妇分娩方式和产褥期行为的影响。方法选择220例在本院分娩且产后回访的产妇,根据其是否参加过本院孕妇学校规范健康教育培训分为观察组和对照组,每组各110例。观察组产妇参加孕妇学校安排的孕产期保健知识课程的规范健康教育,对照组无参加孕妇学校规范健康教育。比较两组产妇分娩方式及产褥期行为状况。结果观察组产妇阴道分娩率71.8%,剖宫产率28.2%,对照组产妇阴道分娩率52.7%,剖宫产率47.3%,两组比较, P<0.01,差异具有统计学意义,观察组产妇阴道分娩率明显高于对照组。两组产妇医学指征剖官产率与社会因素剖宫产率比较,P<0.05,差异具有统计学意义,观察组产妇社会因素剖宫产率明显高于对照组。两组产妇产褥期洗头、洗澡、吃蔬菜水果、刷牙、开冷空调率比较,均P<0.01,差异具有统计学意义,观察组明显高于对照组。结论产前产妇是否参加产前规范的孕妇学校健康教育影响其分娩方式的选择及产褥期行为。提示产前产妇应积极参加相关孕产期的保健知识学习,其能帮助产妇建立良好孕期及产褥期行为,降低产妇剖宫产率,有利于产妇顺利、健康、科学地渡过产褥期。



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